Community Park

Community Park Update October 2018

The community park at Wheatlands Parkway and South Jamestown Way is continuing to move forward.  We submitted the plans to the city of Aurora planning committee last month and the city gave us feedback on the park design.
We have submitted for second review this week and are waiting to hear back from them.  The next step is to go through public works review.  The city asked that we complete the planning step before submitting to public works which did set our timeframe back.  Once we submit it to public works it is a 6-8 week process.
After we have received approval from public works we can start the bidding process for building the park.  Since we had these delays, we are realistically looking at the park starting construction towards the beginning of the year.
We can’t wait for the community to enjoy the park and appreciate your patience as we continue to move forward with the project.
For more images and details of the park please Click Here

YMCA Recreation Center

YMCA Recreation Center Update August 2018

The Wheatlands Metropolitan District formed a separate authority (in which the Wheatlands board members are the majority) to finance the project. That authority is working hard to make the recreation center a reality. The Wheatlands residents will all receive access to the Recreation center for free as part of your existing $65 monthly fee. The authority is completing the due diligence process with the bank. As part of that process they have hired an architect and general contractor. If all goes as planned we would be looking to break ground in Spring next year and open in 2020.