Wheatlands Metropolitan District

Wonderful Homes, Wonderful Neighborhood, Wonderful Wheatlands

Wheatlands Metropolitan District

Pool Information and Sign Up

Information and Sign Up
Please read all information below
Dear Wheatlands Residents, our pool is scheduled to open on June 15th and we’re excited to be back together again. As you plan your trip to the pool, please take note of our new processes and policies. The health and safety of our residents and staff are our top priority. All of the changes to your pool experience have been designed with your safety in mind and in compliance of Tri-County Health requirements.

Pool Reservations

● FAMILY SWIM RESERVATION – the link to the sign-up genius is HERE and also located under the pool section of our website at www.wheatlandsmetro.org

● LAP SWIM RESERVATION – to sign up for Lap swim click HERE – Lap swim is for those who are going to be swimming laps, adults, swim team members etc. 13 and under must be accompanied by an adult. 2 per lane at opposite ends unless you are family members. You can sign up for two spots per week.

● You must make a reservation in order to visit the pool.

● We are opening the reservations from June 15- August 9.

● We are allowing each family to sign up for two time slots for now. We ask that you try
and reserve your spot sooner rather than later so we can have the slots filled each
day. With 1100 homes in Wheatlands we are trying to anticipate how many families
will sign up and give everyone an opportunity to visit the pool this summer.

● In July, we will evaluate the time slots and if we have available slots we will open the
sign-up genius to allow families to sign up for more than two slots.

● We ask if you are unable to attend that you cancel your reservation so other residents
may attend. You should not tell a neighbor or friend to take your spot. You need to
remove your spot in the system as we need to keep track of attendance for tracing

Pool Hours

● The pool hours look different this year and we are pleased to announce we have
extended the hours to allow for adult lap swim in the morning.

○ 8:00-9:30 Adult Lap Swim
■ 9:30-10:00 Clean
○ 10:00-11:30 Open Swim
■ 11:30-12:00 Clean
○ 12:00-1:30 Open Swim
■ 1:30-2:00 Clean
○ 2:00-3:30 Open Swim
■ 3:30-4:00 Clean
○ 4:00-5:30 Open Swim
■ 5:30-6:00 Clean
○ 6:00-7:30 Open Swim
■ 7:30-8:00 Clean / Close Down

Pool Capacity

● Pool capacity is limited to 50 people at the pool at one time. The pool deck will be
divided into 10 sections each located 6 feet apart from each other. Although 50 people
are allowed on the pool deck; only 25 people are allowed in the deeper pool at a time
and 16 people in the zero depth entry pool. We acknowledge this will be a challenge to
share the pool and appreciate your neighborly attitude and looking out for each other as
we comply with the health department’s guidelines.

● Due to the limits on attendance we will have a no guest policy so you must be a resident of Wheatlands to enjoy the pool. In addition, we will not have summer camps or swimteam at the pool this year.

Entering The Pool

● To speed up the entry into the pool, please have your sign up confirmation ready to show the guard at the gate. Complete the COVID-19 Pool Waiver located on our website or click here keep your email that shows it was completed as you will be asked to present the email to the lifeguards at check in.

● All residents who enter the pool will need to bring their activated pool fob and a copy
of the completed COVID19 waiver.

● To activate your Pool Fob complete the 2020 pool waiver and follow the instructions
provided here.

● Please follow the lifeguards instruction and maintain social distance as you wait to
enter the pool.

● Come in at the gate by the playground

What to Bring

● Please bring your own chairs and towels to the pool. Due to the time to clean furniture,
no pool furniture will be provided however each section will have an umbrella or shade

● Pool toys and floats are allowed, however it is recommended by the health department
that they are not shared.

● Food and drink are welcome and please dispose of your trash in the provided trash
cans. The snack shack will be closed.

Pool Safety

● We will have marked each section of the pool deck and ask that your family maintain
physical distance from others at the pool. It is your responsibility to ensure you stay 6
feet away both in the pool and outside the pool. The lifeguards are responsible for the
aquatic safety of our residents and to prevent drowning. Please help them and follow
the rules so we can have an enjoyable and safe summer at the pool.

● We will have set traffic patterns for entering and exiting the pool deck.

● The restrooms will be open however the lockers will remain closed.

Exiting the Pool

● We ask when your time is up at the pool you gather your belongings and leave quickly
to allow cleaning to take place and the lifeguards to begin to check in for the next
group of residents.

● Exit through the side by wheatlands parkway

Your Team

● Please join us in welcoming Hannah Krafels who is our Aquatic Coordinator from the
YMCA who will help us maintain and manage the pool this summer. Thank you
Hannah! If you have any questions or comments regarding the lifeguard staff or the
pool management please reach out to Hannah. She is here to help and you can email

● The lifeguards are here for you! They want to ensure we have a safe and fun swim
environment. Please have patience as these procedures are new to the lifeguards
and they are doing their best to serve our community.

Thank you for being great neighbors and helping us make the pool a fun and safe place this summer!

Playgrounds Can Open

Updated on June 11 – With new guidance playgrounds can now have 25 people at a time.

We are pleased to announce our community playgrounds can open!

Under the Safer at Home and in the Vast, Great Outdoors our community playgrounds can open with restrictions. This includes the playground at the clubhouse and the new community park playground and restroom.  

The order limits the capacity to 10 people at a time at the playground. Individuals should stay at least 6 feet away from members of other households.  

It is up to individuals to play at their own risk and to bring their own cleaning and sanitizer products if desired.  

We also want to remind the community of our playground rules to ensure a fun and safe environment for everyone:

Be Bold

  • Have Fun! Park Hours are from 6 a.m. to 11 p.m.
  • Restroom is open from 6 a.m. to 9 p.m.
  • Be kind
  • Park areas are on a “first come, first serve” basis.
  • Amplified sound is not allowed
  • Use of artificial lighting, other than those permanently installed in the park, is prohibited.

Be Responsible

  • Supervise children at all times.
  • Pick up and dispose of litter.
  • Pets must be leashed and under physical control at all times. Pet waste must be picked up and disposed of.
  • Sales and commercial activities are prohibited
  • No posting of any notices, letters, or signs (permanent or temporary).
  • Do not attach anything to trees or structures.
  • Bicycles, skateboards, and rollerblades are only allowed on sidewalks and designated trails.
  • Motorized vehicles are not allowed within the park.
  • Removal or damage to any District property is prohibited.

Be Safe

  • No explosivesfireworks, or model rockets.
  • Golfing, archery or discharge of any firearm is prohibited.
  • Fires and charcoal are allowed in grills and designated areas only. Extinguish all charcoals and dispose of them properly before leaving.
  • No glass bottles or glass containers.

We are thankful we can open the playground(s) again and appreciate your help in making our playground a safe and fun place to play.  

Aurora Reservoir Master Plan Amendment

The City of Aurora invites you to attend a Virtual Public Hearing for an amendment to the Aurora Reservoir Parks and Water Master Plan. The hearing seeks approval from the Parks and Recreation Advisory Board on the amendment which proposes the following changes: 
• Addition of the Southeast Recreation Center and Access Road (See plans below) 

Project Description:  

The site for the new center is called Section 17 or Reservoir Community Park. This 600-acre property, conveyed to Aurora in 1984 by the federal government is designated for the sole purpose of parks and recreation uses in perpetuity as protected by the deed and city charter. Because Section 17 is included in the Aurora Reservoir Master Plan, the recreation center improvements will be added to this plan through a master plan amendment. Although the site is proposed as a future community park, this project planning and amendment is limited to the recreation center, which will be funded by marijuana tax revenues. 
Maps show the proposed Amendment to the Aurora Reservoir Master Plan depicting proposed road and recreation center location. The road will extend from the intersection of Harvest Road and Alexander Avenue. The recreation center location is in the northwest portion of the site near the Infinity Middle School site.  
The public hearing will be held as a special meeting of the Parks and Recreation Advisory Board via WebEx to be held at 5:00 pm, Wednesday, June 10, 2020.  
To join: https://auroragov.webex.com/auroragov/onstage/g.php?MTID=e02d2093528d47892002622857f640cdc Or go to the Boards and Commissions Calendar at Aurora Gov.org and click the meeting link. 
Join the audio conference only +1-408-418-9388 
For additional information please visit Auroragov.org/recreation or contact Tracy Young [email protected] 

Pool Opening Details

We are getting ready to welcome you back to the pool

We miss you! Thank you for persevering and doing your part to stay safe and stop the spread of coronavirus. We are so looking forward to welcoming the community back to the Pool.

There is nothing more important to us than the safety of you, the residents, and our staff. Our plan to welcome you back will closely follow the guidelines released by the Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment. 

As of now, we plan to open the pool on June 15th

There will be different phases to opening and the Pool will be the first to open.  The Clubhouse will remain closed for rentals.

As information about our welcome back plan develops, we will share it with you here on our website. In the meantime, we will continue to diligently plan for your return. 

We’re following guidelines from health experts and local officials to ensure that our pools meet the highest standards for hygiene and safety.   We will be sending out more details next week. 

·         We will have set traffic patterns to create one-way traffic where possible  

·         Hand Sanitizer will be available

·         There will be a reservation system that will be released to sign up for a time slot to be at the pool.  There will be breaks between time slots for cleaning.

·         Staff, residents and vendors will be  required to complete health questionnaire and temperatures checks upon entering the pool.

·         Masks will be recommended for residents while not in the water,  but not required. (Unless mandated from Tri-County Health) Staff will be wearing masks when social distancing is not possible or not actively guarding. 

While there will be limitations and requirements around your pool visits please enjoy your time, be respectful of your community members and staff and celebrate that the pool will be open.

We look forward to seeing you at the pool. 

June Newsletter

June Newsletter

Pool Information – We hope you are staying safe and healthy during this time. Under Safer at Home, public HOA and gym pools are not allowed to open. When further guidance on pools becomes available we will post it and communicate it to the neighborhood. Thank you for your patience and understanding.

Clubhouse Information – Clubhouse rentals have been postponed under the Safer at Home guidelines since no more than 10 people are able to gather in one place. If these restrictions lift we will allow clubhouse rentals to resume and will work with residents on rescheduling their events.  

Park Information – Our park fields and walking trails are open for use. We do ask you to pick up after your pets. To help with this, the board has ordered pet waste bag stations to be placed at the neighborhood park and along the trail behind Harvest.  Although discussed with the city, unfortunately we can not put stations on the trail across from Pine Ridge Elementary School between S Kewaunee Way and S Langdale Way as that is not Wheatlands Metro District property and belongs to the City of Aurora. At this time our community playgrounds, pavilions and bathroom remain closed under the Safer at Home guidelines.

Neighborhood Events – Although in-person events might be cancelled, activities have moved online with the YMCA offering virtual workouts and kids activities. We also are continuing our Food Truck nights with pick up only service in place. The neighborhood garage sale that typically takes place the first weekend of June has been postponed this year. As guidelines evolve and change, we will keep the community informed on if/when we can have additional neighborhood events.  

Summer Camp – Summer camps are allowed to open with restrictions and limits on attendance. To enroll in the YMCA summer camp offered at Wheatlands click here.  

Next Board Meeting

Thursday, June 11th at 6:00 pm
this meeting will be a zoom meeting

Telephone #: 720-707-2699
Meeting ID: 986 4245 4190
Password: 519115


Common Violations and How to Avoid Them

As a District, our goal in upholding the Covenants is preserving the nature and character of the
community and protecting property values. It is important to make sure each homeowner is following all of District Guidelines and Covenants. As you read through the list below, you can see how to avoid potential problems.

Here are some of the most common District violations we typically see, and what you should know about each of them.

  • Landscaping: There are rules about overgrown lawns, weeds and dead plants. When you replace dead plants, be sure to check guidelines to see what types of trees/plants/shrubs are allowed. If you are using different plants than what you had, you will need architectural approval.

  • Vehicles: RVs, boats, trailers and commercial vehicles, for example can be kept on a property for up to 72 hours for loading and unloading only. Otherwise they must be kept within the enclosed garage or an off‐site storage facility out of the community.

  • Trash: There are rules on putting trash cans out too early or not bring them in by a certain time, since they can attract pests and make a neighborhood look shabby. “All garbage or trash cans or receptacles shall be stored out of site (except that a container for such materials may be placed outside at such times as may be necessary to permit garbage or trash pickup.) Trash containers may be placed on the street for pickup after 5:00 p.m. on the evening prior to the day that such trash is to be picked up. Trash containers must be removed from the street properly stored by 9:00 p.m. of the day of pickup.”

  • Exterior storage: The District limits what types of equipment may be stored outside. For instance, you should keep items such as bicycles, lawnmowers, kayaks or other items out of view, behind a fence or within your enclosed garage or shed.

  • Pets: To keep all residents safe and comfortable and being respectful of your neighbors, it is important to keep dogs on leashes and to pick up after your pet, while walking them in the neighborhood. The District also limits how many pets you can own, specific breeds and sizes, for example no chickens or livestock are allowed.

  • Noise: The District, as well as the City of Aurora have rules that restrict loud noises or bright lights between certain hours. Noise ordinances must be followed.

  • Holiday decorations: Because you live in the District, there are rules on how long before (45 days) and after (30 days) a holiday that you can decorate the home’s exterior.

  • Design changes: The District set up the Guidelines, so that if you have questions changing the appearance or structure of your home or simple things like painting your house, making changes to any landscaping or adding a patio or deck, do require written approval from the District’s design review committee. To review the Guidelines or to get a design review application go to https://www.wheatlandsmetro.org/covenants/

How to respond to District rule violation notices

  • Address it: Ignoring a violation notice won’t make it go away and can make the situation much worse, if not responded to. Once you’ve received a violation notice, take steps to understand and correct the violation, and either pay or appeal the fine if issued.

  • Don’t take it personally: Remember that the rules were created to keep the community safe and comfortable for residents, including you. You agreed to abide by the rules when you bought your home.

  • Communicate: While friendly phone or email communication can address minor infractions or warnings, written communication and documentation helps create clarity for everyone involved. When you’ve been accused of a rule’s violation, it’s best to address it in writing. If there are extenuating circumstances—like a family emergency that causes you to fall behind on lawn care—communicate that to your Covenant enforcement manager at [email protected] . You don’t know if an exception might be made until you ask.

  • Get involved: There is usually a correlation between the level of homeowner involvement and the success of a community. So, if you want to improve your community, volunteer for a board or committee position or attend meetings to see how you can contribute.
Wheatlands Recreation Center
To follow the construction of the new Wheatlands Recreation Center.

Southlands Virtual Events

The Southlands Shopping center continues to offer events and programs virtually. Check it out HERE

Memorial Day

Our sincere gratitude to those brave men and woman who have served our country and paid the ultimate sacrifice.

In observance of Memorial Day,  All Trash and Recycle collection’s will be delayed by one day the week of 05/25/2020.

The Waste Management calendar can be found under the Community Documents. Click here to view the calendar.

Tree Service

Arborscape tree service will be in the community this Saturday, May 16th between 7am-1pm. They will be spraying, All Pine, Spruce and Ash trees for Bark Beetle and Borer prevention.

Please keep pets inside and windows closed during this time.

Thank you.

5/11/20 Your YMCA at Home News & Updates

Your YMCA at Home News & Updates
5/11/2020 |
Story Time with Adrian and Kewhan
No pictures, but lots of laughs! Take a few minutes to get silly and have fun with two YMCA youth development staff.
May is in Bloom!
April showers brought May flowers, and now you can enjoy the blooms from home. Take a virtual tour of the Denver Botanic Gardens, or learn about seasonal plants throughout Denver!
Who Misses Youth Sports? 
We do, and we know our YMCA families do, too! That’s why we’ve created a new resource page for players, parents and coaches to stay connected with their favorite sports at home. Check it out and get the ball moving!


As you can imagine, closing our centers and programs and providing emergency response is straining our resources. Your support will keep the Y strong and provide emergency support to vulnerable neighbors. Donate today and your gift will be doubled!

LIVE Virtual Classes
join us through Zoom to connect with our instructors and other YMCA members during our live fitness classes.

Enjoy live yoga, SilverSneakers, Total Body Conditioning, Essentrics and many more, all taught by our Denver Y fitness instructors. More classes added weekly

MATRIX Master Trainers at Home
Nineteen on-demand classes designed with the 4 Pillars of Fitness in mind (strength, cardio, power and endurance). 

5/4/20 Your YMCA at Home News & Updates

Your YMCA at Home News & Updates
5/4/2020 |
Make Your Own Obstacle Course!
Meg and Raeg are back with another fun craft to try, and this one will get you moving, too! Use yarn, cones, or whatever you have on hand to create this awesome obstacle course.
YMCA Staff Recommendations for Families
Our talented youth development staff have curated a collection of activities and fun for families including: STEM activities, fitness, nutrition and emotional health.
Enter Visit Denver’s Daily Trivia & Win Local Experiences
Already planning exciting things to do post-quarantine? Test your Denver knowledge and you could win fun activities to save for later! 


As you can imagine, closing our centers and programs and providing emergency response is straining our resources. Your support will keep the Y strong and provide emergency support to vulnerable neighbors. Donate today and your gift will be doubled!

LIVE Virtual Classes
join us through Zoom to connect with our instructors and other YMCA members during our live fitness classes.

Enjoy live yoga, SilverSneakers, Total Body Conditioning, Essentrics and many more, all taught by our Denver Y fitness instructors. More classes added weekly

MATRIX Master Trainers at Home
Nineteen on-demand classes designed with the 4 Pillars of Fitness in mind (strength, cardio, power and endurance). 

May Newsletter

May Newsletter

Pool and Clubhouse Information
The safety of our community is our top priority and we continue to follow Tri- County health’s recommendations.  At this time, the pool will open no earlier than June 1st. We have prepared the pool to open however their is a real possibility that the opening may be delayed further or not allowed this year due to COVID-19.  We will keep you updated as we learn more.

The Clubhouse is currently closed.. However, we are still moving forward with the speaker installation for the clubhouse and pool.
The new shade structure for the pool has also been installed!
Don’t forget to register your key fob for the 2020 pool season. To register CLICK HERE.

Next Board Meeting

Thursday, May14th at 6:00 pm
this meeting will most likely be a zoom meeting

The call in information will be sent out once decided and also posted on the website.

AMI – Advanced Management and the Wheatlands Board of Directors is monitoring the outbreak of the COVID‐19 coronavirus and its impact on the community. We wanted to give you an update on covenant and design application processes and reassure you that we are here to help navigate you through these events and are ready to help protect and preserve the community.
1. We are still doing bi‐monthly community inspections, while making sure to take extra precautions to maintain social distancing and with the understanding that many are facing hardships due to COVID‐19, also known as the Corona virus and government‐imposed restrictions and closures. So we ask that you please communicate any hardships and requests for extensions on covenant related issues to [email protected].
2. With the warm weather here to stay, here are some seasonal things to be aware of: ‐Please trim any low hanging branches over sidewalks, as many people are out taking walks through the neighborhood.
‐Please remove or treat any of the pesky weeds from rock beds and driveways.
‐Please keep materials and items from building up on your property and keep them stored out of sight.
‐Please keep trash cans stored out of sight.
3. We are still accepting and processing design review applications during this time. So now is a great time to submit applications for any projects you are planning for the upcoming season and want to start once the restrictions have lifted. Follow these few simple steps:
1. Go to https://www.wheatlandsmetro.org/covenants/
2. Fill out the Design Application
3. Submit your application via email to [email protected] or by mailing it to Wheatlands Metro District C/O AMI
P.O. Box 370750
Denver, CO 80237
4. Remember to include the following items with your application submittal:
‐Site Plan showing lot dimensions; outline of home and garage with setbacks; names and positions of adjacent streets; dimensions of improvement (height, width, depth), with setbacks to all boundaries; and an indication of North.
‐Visual(s) of improvement such as; drawing, photo, brochure/ad, paint swatch (es), material samples, tree and plants types, etc.
‐Building Plans, if the improvement is a new or modified building/structure. ‐A copy of your Plot Plan
Please feel free to email any Design Review questions to [email protected] or by calling 303‐351‐5411
We appreciate everyone in the community taking the necessary precautions to keep themselves and their neighbors healthy and safe during this time.
Wheatlands Recreation Center
To follow the construction of the new Wheatlands Recreation Center.

Southlands wants to help Celebrate the Seniors!
Are you the parent, the friend, the teacher, or a mentor of a class of 2020 graduate? Do you want to shine a spotlight on a talented, special, and important Aurora graduate in your life? To bring a little celebration to our Southlands friends and families, we want to highlight those students & classmates graduating from schools & universities in our community.

Head over to submit the name & photo of someone you want to celebrate and on the day of their intended graduation, we’ll do a special shoutout for them as a member of the #SouthlandsClassOf2020.