4/27/20 Your YMCA at Home News & Updates

Your YMCA at Home News & Updates
4/27/2020 |
Meditation in Motion 
We all know it’s important to move our bodies and take care of our mental health during this tough time. Take some time this weekend to do a little of both with the YMCA‘s “Recharge with Us From Home” playlist.
Tackle that Reading List!  
If you have a library card, you can access hundreds of ebooks and audiobooks from home for free through Overdrive. Don’t have a library card? All Colorado residents can register for an e-card from the Denver Public Library.
Get Crafty With Meg & Raeg
Got empty toilet paper rolls? Turn them into something beautiful with this fun family craft, guided by awesome staff from our Arvada Y!


As you can imagine, closing our centers and programs and providing emergency response is straining our resources. Your support will keep the Y strong and provide emergency support to vulnerable neighbors. Donate today and your gift will be doubled!

Making Birthdays Special While Social Distancing

Kids of all ages are struggling with the disappointment of cancelled events and trips, and birthdays are no exception. If your child has an upcoming birthday, get tips for celebrating in fun and unique ways while staying safe!

Cami is Back with Grocery Tips

Canned, dried, frozen and fresh – YMCA Nutritionist Cami Woomer breaks down a few categories to simplify your shelf-stable shopping. 
Join us through Zoom to connect with our instructors and other YMCA members during our live fitness classes. Enjoy live yoga, SilverSneakers, Total Body Conditioning, Essentrics and many more, all taught by our Denver Y fitness instructors. More classes added weekly.

4/20/20 Your YMCA at Home News & Updates

Your YMCA at Home News & Updates
4/20/2020 |
Take a Field Trip From Your Couch! 
Did you know you could visit Mars from your living room? Check out this collection of virtual field trips to see sights from around the world and beyond.
Ally’s Health at Home Video Series: Nutrition Edition 
She’s back! Tune in with Ally from the Southwest Y before your next trip to the grocery store!
Go on a Yoga Adventure with Cosmic Kids Yoga 
Children ages 3+ can practice mindfulness and relaxation all while seeing dragons, visiting magical castles, and riding a rollercoaster! Check out their positivity playlist and get moving with your little ones at home. 
In the coming weeks you will see activity at the pool. At this time we don’t know what pool opening will look like but are getting everything prepared to be able to respond to guidelines as they come out.

We are trying to be as creative as possible while following all the COVID 19 rules and guidelines to ensure everyone’s safety.
Testimony from a Wheatlands Resident

YMCA staff, 
I wanted to take a moment to send a letter of true appreciation to all of you during this time! As you may notice by my signature line, I am a healthcare worker whose job has continued, and perhaps asked to work harder, during COVID 19. When schools were “postponed”, my family was unsure of what this would mean for my 6 year old who loved and adored her kindergarten class. As time went on, we learned that what we knew as kindergarten was no longer “what we knew” it to be.

In times of desperate measure, we were “matched” with the Wheatland’s YMCA in Aurora, CO. Starting my daughter here made us all nervous (new place, new kids, new teachers etc.) but we have had nothing but great experiences! The staff at the Wheatland’s Y have been FANTASTIC! They are some of the true essential staff during this time. Without them, I wouldn’t be able to do the job that I do to help out my team and the patients we serve. It uplifts my heart every day to come home and here my daughter’s answer to “How was your day baby?” and she says “It was really good mom! We got to make dragonflies”, or “I met a new best friend mom!” because everyone is a best friend at 6 . 
Please share my gratitude. Not only with the corporation or the local chapter but all the staff that are providing care during this time. Your days have made my daughter’s days brighter and thus, you have warmed my heart. I cannot thank you enough. 
Thank you,
Join us through Zoom to connect with our instructors and other YMCA members during our live fitness classes. Enjoy live yoga, SilverSneakers, Total Body Conditioning, Essentrics and many more, all taught by our Denver Y fitness instructors. More classes added weekly.

Child Care for Health Care Workers

Child Care for Health Care Workers

As COVID-19 requires additional demands of all the brave health care workers and emergency responders during this time, the Wheatlands Metropolitan Board has partnered with the YMCA to offer childcare for those serving on the frontline during the COVID-19 pandemic at the Wheatlands Clubhouse.  When we look back at this time, we will remember the love we felt and the ways we connected and helped each other as a community to get through this.   

The YMCA of Metro Denver is responding to the urgent needs in the local community during the COVID-19 pandemic by providing free, full day childcare for families of first responders and all essential workers.  This service is essential in the fight and provides a safe place for families struggling to find childcare while serving on the front lines. 

This temporary childcare service will begin on April 15, 2020 at the Wheatlands Clubhouse and runs from 6am-7pm.  During this time the YMCA staff will take extraordinary precautions:

  • Parents will drop off children outside the building
  • Daily temperature checks will be administered on each child
  • Activities will encourage social distancing
  • Kids will sanitize hands upon arrival and throughout the day
  • Staff will monitor children to look for symptoms of COVID-19
  • Staff will wear face masks
  • Staff will follow all CDC guidelines
  • The facility will be cleaned throughout the day.
  • The facility will also be cleaned daily by professional cleaners. 
  • At the end of the crisis, the Clubhouse will be completely disinfected.  (All cleaning services, fees or damage to the clubhouse will be paid for by the YMCA)

During this crisis, the Wheatlands Metropolitan District believes we should do our part in supporting first responders and medical professionals by providing a safe place for their children.  We thank you for your support of this decision and will provide more updates as needed. For more information regarding the program click here.   If you have any questions or comments please contact us at [email protected].  

Virtual Fitness Classes and Activities

During these tough times it is important to stay healthy and active.
The YMCA has put together a virtual fitness class schedule for our members to utilize. These classes are available and free for everyone.
To view the class schedule click here
For Instructions on how to use the ZOOM app click here.
The YMCA has also partnered up with Southlands and will be doing weekly cub club events for the kids. You can participate in these activities HERE.

April Newsletter

Wheatlands Logo
April Newsletter
We recognize these are trying times for our community. We want everyone to stay healthy and are following the recommendations given by the State of Colorado and Tri-County Health. 

We have cancelled all events at the clubhouse that were scheduled and are not taking new requests at this time. We will let the community know when they can reserve the clubhouse again and will be reaching out to renters who already reserved the clubhouse during this time of social distancing to reschedule for a later date and receive a refund.  

Community Playgrounds – Closed

Tri-County Health issued a public health order on March 25th closing all playgrounds until April 17th. This includes both our new park playground and the playground next to the clubhouse. The restroom at the playground also closed during this time.
To view the Tri-County Health order click here.

Financial Update

We are pleased to share with our residents that on March 3, 2020, Moody’s Investors Service has upgraded Wheatlands Metropolitan District, CO’s general obligation unlimited tax (GOULT) debt rating from Baa2 to A3. This is great news for the district! To read the entire press release visit the financial portion of our website here.

Next Board Meeting

Thursday, April 9th at 6:00 pm
this will be a call in meeting open to everyone

Call in # 720 707 2699
Meeting ID: 863 247 373

We still need to do our part to maintain the value of our community and, in that vein, owners are still expected to keep their homes in a sightly manner. However the board understands that some home owners maybe experiencing hardships due to the closure of businesses and the current state of affairs. 

The board is attempting to balance its duty to enforce the covenants with being sensitive to completing home improvements with the social distancing policy in place. The board will be discussing how we can help our community at our upcoming meeting. We will be partnering with AMI on their recommendations and will communicate the changes to enforcement as the situation develops. 

These measures would be temporary and based on the current social distancing policy. Once this passes, AMI would go back to routine enforcement in accordance with terms of our enforcement policy.  

Pool and Clubhouse

We are operating under the assumption that we will still be able to open the pool this summer and have worked hard to get the new heater and filters installed this month. We have also installed new lighting in the pool restrooms. 

The Clubhouse is currently closed.. However, we are still moving forward with the speaker installation for the clubhouse and pool. Lifeguards are being hired and our aquatics coordinator will be introduced to you as we get closer to opening day!  

Don’t miss out on summer time fun and make sure to register your key fob for the 2020 pool season. To register  CLICK HERE. 

Swim Team Information

Priority Wheatlands Swim team registration opens up April 6th at 12:00 PM.

This will be open until April 10th and will close at 8:00 PM. This is for Wheatlands families only.

To register please visit: wheatlandssharks.com
Wheatlands Recreation Center
To follow the construction of the new Wheatlands Recreation Center.

Playground Closures

We hope all of our residents are staying safe and healthy during this time.  Tri-County Health issued a public health order this morning which will close our neighborhood playgrounds (both at the clubhouse and the new park).   The order is as follows:

All public and private gatherings of any number of people occurring outside a single household or living unit are prohibited, except for the limited purposes as expressly permitted in Paragraph 5.  Nothing in this Order prohibits the gathering of members of a household or living unit.

For purposes of this Order, individuals may leave their residence only to perform any of the following “Essential Activities.”  However, persons at high risk of severe illness from COVID-19 and people who are sick are urged to stay in their residence to the extent possible except as necessary to seek medical care.  Essential Activities means:

To engage in outdoor activity individually or in groups of no more than 4 persons, provided each individual complies with Social Distancing Requirements as defined in this Paragraph 5, such as, by way of example and without limitation, walking, hiking, biking or running. Social distancing requirements for outdoor activity apply to those people from different households. For purposes of outdoor activity, public parks within TCHD’s jurisdiction should remain open to the public to engage in walking, hiking, biking, running, and similar outdoor activities but all playgrounds, golf courses, tennis courts, basketball courts, picnic areas, and other similar areas conducive to public gathering shall be closed.

This order is issued through April 17th.   Please take care during this time and stay safe.

Tri- County Health Frequently Asked Questions

Spring Bulb Event – Home Delivery

Spring Has Sprung!
Erin Posey with The Moxie Group at West + Main Homes will still be handing out spring bulbs.

This will no longer take place at the Clubhouse due to the COVID-19 Pandemic. Erin will instead be coming and delivering your bulbs to your door for those who are interested 

If you would like to set up a time to get some bulbs delivered to you (while supplies last) please email Erin Posey at: [email protected]

Please note the Shred Event scheduled for Saturday the 28th has been postponed and will be rescheduled at a later time.

Easter Event Postponed

After much discussion, the Wheatlands Board of Directors and the YMCA have decided to postpone the April 4th Easter Event.

With information changing every day as it pertains to
COVID-19 the board has decided it is the best thing for the community to not hold the Easter Event which was originally scheduled for April 4th.

The hope is to be able to still have a spring event early to mid May, where the community can get together and enjoy an egg hunt and community gathering at our new park.

Thank you for your understanding on this matter,

Wheatlands Board of Directors and the YMCA