March Newsletter

March 2020 Newsletter
Upcoming Events

Kids Night Out

Friday, March 6th
6-10 pm at the Lakehouse
Movie: Inside Out
to register click here 

Thursday, March 12th
6 pm @ the Clubhouse

Spring Bloom Bulb Event

Friday, March 27th
Wheatlands Clubhouse
brought to you by: 
Erin Posey with The Moxie Group at
West + Main Homes

(Come visit with your neighbors and pick out your own free kit of springtime bulbs to celebrate the new season)

Shred Event

Saturday, March 28th
Wheatlands Parking lot
(this is a free event sponsored by
Tammy Welsh realtor/Wheatlands Resident and Michelle the Mortgage Lady)

Save the Date

Easter Eggstravaganza
Saturday, April 4th
@ the Clubhouse 

Wheatlands Recreation Center Project

This project is continuing to make great strides.  We secured financing, finalized the building design, hired the construction crew and broke ground last year!  

Did you know as Wheatlands residents you will get a family membership to the YMCA recreation center?  We can’t wait for the indoor pool, fitness studios, teaching kitchen and classes that will be offered for our community.   

To follow along with the construction of our new recreation center visit: 

Covenant Updates and Reminders from AMI
If you would like to sign up for email correspondence for any Covenant related notices or Design review updates, please email [email protected]
Make sure your email includes the following

* Your name(s)
* Home address and mailing address if different
* Main email address you would like to receive all communication
* Any additional information you would like added to your account


Now is a great time to get your approvals for any spring and summer work around your home.  All exterior paint changes require covenant approval unless you are touching up your home in the existing color.  Reach out to AMI with any questions.  It is better to get approval then receive a violation

-Please remember to submit signed Notice of Completion, as well as color pictures of completed projects, once your approved project has been completed. 

 Pool and Clubhouse Information 
The board has been working hard with the YMCA to get some much needed work done at the pool and clubhouse. Below is an update on the improvements that are being made:

*Pool and Clubhouse sound system upgrade was approved at January’s board meeting and is scheduled to be completed in March.

*New tables for the pool have been ordered.

* Pool Heater replacement has been completed. 

* Pool Filter addition has been completed.

*Additional metal trash cans for the pool were approved at the last board meeting and will be installed this month.

* Permanent shade structures parts have been ordered. These canopy structures will be bolt mounted into the cement. They will fit along the south side of the pool deck. American Awning and Patio Company has a lifetime hail warranty on the shades. The shades are also removable to be taken down in the winter or as needed. This work will be completed this spring.

* A Fabric shade has also been approved that will be weaved along the top of the pergola to provide additional shade around the pool.

* The Parking lot needs to have row painting and crack filling completed. This will prevent further damage and a more costly fix later. This improvement was approved at the October meeting. We recognize several residents use the clubhouse to park during school pick up and drop off. We will partner and communicate with Pine Ridge to when the parking lot closure will occur. We will also send a communication when we have the date scheduled. Thanks for your patience with this fix.

* upgrading the lighting of the pool bathrooms was approved at the February Board meeting. Lights will be replaced with brighter, longer lasting LED lights.

Pool Season Update
Its never to early to get online and sign the 2020 pool waiver. This is as simple as going to the following link and filling it out! If you don’t have a key but need one you can go to the lakehouse and fill out the paper work and get one. 
Office hours :

Monday-Saturday 9-1 
Monday – Thursday 4-8 pm. 

Lakehouse address:

27151 E Lakeview Dr
Aurora Co 80016

New this year. The Wheatlands pool will have a dedicated Aquatic Coordinator this season to help the pool run more smoothly and stay on top of maintenance issues. 

The board has also approved adult swim during breaks and has extended the pool hours into September.
Wheatlands Community Directory

Non-Emergency – Police
Irrigation 24 hour service

720-870-9297, 720-870-2221 (Operated by the YMCA)

Water & Sewer Service

Police Representative – Officer Cassell 303-627-3172
Public Works Department 303-739-7300

City of Aurora 303-326-8200

SNOW REMOVAL (District Property)
YMCA and Coxlandscaping
*Homeowners are responsible for sidewalks and driveways

Waste Management Company

Summer Camp Registration 
YMCA Summer Camp registration at Wheatlands is now open. For more information or to register please click here
YMCA Programs

In addition to family activities at Southshore, the YMCA runs programs that benefit the entire Aurora Community.

Youth in Government
Join youth from throughout the state at our premier model government program. High school aged students will write and debate bills, argue state supreme court cases or take part in our press and lobbyist programs. The only group with access to the state Capitol building in this capacity.  Click here to find out more!

Reach & Rise Mentoring
What is Reach and Rise?
  • Reach and Rise is a free group mentoring program of the YMCA, established to provide young people in our community with positive and peer relationships.
  • 2 adult mentors are matched with a group of 6 youth
  • The group will meet once a week for 2 hours.
  • The program cycle runs for 8 weeks during the summer and 16 weeks during the fall and spring.
  • Mentors are meant to serve as role models, friends, and confidants. They’re another source of support for your child. They are not meant to take the role of a parent, babysitter, or financier.

Wheatlands Metropolitan District

visit us online at

Next Board Meeting: Thursday, March 12th at 6:00 pm

Snow Removal

It’s that time of year and we would like to remind you that the district is not responsible for the clearing of the roads/streets.
The roads are the responsibility of the City of Aurora. For more detailed information please visit this LINK

The link below will also take you to a map that shows our area and what roads are to be plowed and their priority level. Click Here for the map.

February 2020 Newsletter

February 2020 Newsletter
Upcoming Events

Kids Night Out

Friday, February 7th
6-10 pm at the Lakehouse
Movie: Finding Dory
to register click here 

Thursday, February 13th
6 pm @ the Clubhouse

Save the Date

Easter Eggstravaganza
Saturday, April 4th
@ the Clubhouse 

Wheatlands Recreation Center Project

This project is continuing to make great strides.  We secured financing, finalized the building design, hired the construction crew and broke ground last year!  

Did you know as Wheatlands residents you will get a family membership to the YMCA recreation center?  We can’t wait for the indoor pool, fitness studios, teaching kitchen and classes that will be offered for our community.   

To follow along with the construction of our new recreation center visit: 

Notes from the Board

The Clubhouse interior is 90% completed with new paint, new floors, new light fixtures and new furniture! We are in the process of updating the interior sound system and finishing the final touches!

Covenant Updates and Reminders from AMI
If you would like to sign up for email correspondence for any Covenant related notices or Design review updates, please email [email protected]
Make sure your email includes the following

* Your name(s)
* Home address and mailing address if different
* Main email address you would like to receive all communication
* Any additional information you would like added to your account


-Please make sure to store Trash containers out of sight.
-Please make sure any items are stored out of sight.
-Please Shovel your walks and driveways for your safety and the safety of your neighbors.

Design Review Reminder

-Please remember to submit signed Notice of Completion, as well as color pictures of completed projects, once your approved project has been completed.
-If you have Home improvements that you are planning to do in the Spring, now is the perfect time to start the approval process. That way when the warm weather hits you can go ahead and start those pre-approved projects in your yard and home.

 Pool and Clubhouse Information 
The board has been working hard with the YMCA to get some much needed work done at the pool and clubhouse. Below is an update on the improvements that are being made:

*Pool and Clubhouse sound system upgrade was approved at January’s board meeting

*New tables for the pool were approved at January’s board meeting

* Pool Heater replacement was approved and will be completed in the spring

* Pool Filter addition was approved and will be completed this spring

*Additional metal trash cans for the pool were approved at the last board meeting.

* The new dumpster enclosure is complete. This improvement allows us to store 2 dumpsters inside the enclosure and replaces the broken, old enclosure.

* Permanent shade structures at the pool were approved at the October meeting and are being ordered. These canopy structures will be bolt mounted into the cement. They will fit along the south side of the pool deck. American Awning and Patio Company has a lifetime hail warranty on the shades. The shades are also removable to be taken down in the winter or as needed.

* A Fabric shade has also been approved that will be weaved along the top of the pergola to provide additional shade around the pool.

* Staining of the pool and clubhouse pergolas has been completed

* The Parking lot needs to have row painting and crack filling completed. This will prevent further damage and a more costly fix later. This improvement was approved at the October meeting. We recognize several residents use the clubhouse to park during school pick up and drop off. We will partner and communicate with Pine Ridge to when the parking lot closure will occur. We will also send a communication when we have the date scheduled. Thanks for your patience with this fix.

Items that are in the process of getting approval for 2020 include:

* Remodel of the pool bathrooms

Wheatlands Community Directory

Non-Emergency – Police
Irrigation 24 hour service

720-870-9297, 720-870-2221 (Operated by the YMCA)

Water & Sewer Service

Police Representative – Officer Cassell 303-627-3172
Public Works Department 303-739-7300

City of Aurora 303-326-8200

SNOW REMOVAL (District Property)
YMCA and Coxlandscaping
*Homeowners are responsible for sidewalks and driveways

Waste Management Company

YMCA Programs

In addition to family activities at Southshore, the YMCA runs programs that benefit the entire Aurora Community.

Youth in Government
Join youth from throughout the state at our premier model government program. High school aged students will write and debate bills, argue state supreme court cases or take part in our press and lobbyist programs. The only group with access to the state Capitol building in this capacity.  Click here to find out more!

Reach & Rise Mentoring
What is Reach and Rise?
  • Reach and Rise is a free group mentoring program of the YMCA, established to provide young people in our community with positive and peer relationships.
  • 2 adult mentors are matched with a group of 6 youth
  • The group will meet once a week for 2 hours.
  • The program cycle runs for 8 weeks during the summer and 16 weeks during the fall and spring.
  • Mentors are meant to serve as role models, friends, and confidants. They’re another source of support for your child. They are not meant to take the role of a parent, babysitter, or financier.

Wheatlands Metropolitan District

visit us online at

Next Board Meeting: Thursday, February 13th at 6:00 pm

Electronic Covenant Reminders

Did you know you can sign up to receive covenant notices electronically?

AMI offers to deliver covenant reminders to you electronically in addition to in the mail. If you would like to sign up for email correspondence for any Covenant related notices or Design review updates, please email [email protected]
Make sure your email includes the following:

* Your name(s)
* Home address and mailing address if different
* Main email address you would like to receive all communication
* Any additional information you would like added to your account

The Wheatlands community is a premier community because of the pride and care our homeowners take with their homes and landscaping. We appreciate AMI’s ability to offer electronic delivery and hope you will take a moment to sign up.

January 2020 Newsletter

January 2020 Newsletter
Upcoming Events

Kids Night Out

Friday, January 10th
6-10 pm at the Lakehouse
Movie: Tangled
to register click here 

Thursday, January 9th
6 pm @ the Clubhouse

Wheatlands Recreation Center Project

For more details on the project please visit:

Notes from the Board

Renovations on the Clubhouse will begin this month. New interior paint and new flooring are to be completed by January 15th. Then all the new furniture will be moved in and completed by the end of January

The Wheatlands Metropolitan Board held their annual budget hearing on November 14th, 2019.

At this meeting, the board voted to approve the 2020 annual budget. The board will be reducing the mil levy by 7 mils for next year.

This thoughtful decision will allow the board to lower the taxes in the community while still being able to meet our debt obligations.

This budget will also allow us to move forward with phase 2 of the park and complete several capital improvement projects regarding the clubhouse and pool.

The year end communication wrapping up 2019 and looking forward to 2020 will be sent out mid month. 

Covenant Updates and Reminders from AMI
If you would like to sign up for email correspondence for any Covenant related notices or Design review updates, please email [email protected]
Make sure your email includes the following

* Your name(s)
* Home address and mailing address if different
* Main email address you would like to receive all communication
* Any additional information you would like added to your account


-Please remember all Lights and Decorations need to be down 30 days from the end of the holiday.
-Please make sure to store Trash containers out of sight.
-Please make sure any items are stored out of sight.
-Please Shovel your walks and driveways for your safety and the safety of your neighbors.

Design Review Reminder

-Please remember to submit signed Notice of Completion, as well as color pictures of completed projects, once your approved project has been completed.
-If you have Home improvements that you are planning to do in the Spring, now is the perfect time to start the approval process. That way when the warm weather hits you can go ahead and start those pre-approved projects in your yard and home.

 Pool and Clubhouse Information 
The board has been working hard with the YMCA to get some much needed work done at the pool and clubhouse. Below is an update on the improvements that are being made:

* Pool Heater replacement was approved at the last board meeting.

* Pool Filter addition was approved at the last board meeting.

*Additional metal trash cans for the pool were approved at the last board meeting.

* The new dumpster enclosure is complete. This improvement allows us to store 2 dumpsters inside the enclosure and replaces the broken, old enclosure.

* Permanent shade structures at the pool were approved at the October meeting and are being ordered. These canopy structures will be bolt mounted into the cement. They will fit along the south side of the pool deck. American Awning and Patio Company has a lifetime hail warranty on the shades. The shades are also removable to be taken down in the winter or as needed.

* A Fabric shade has also been approved that will be weaved along the top of the pergola to provide additional shade around the pool.

* Staining of the pool and clubhouse pergolas were approved at the October meeting and is being scheduled.

* The District has hired an interior designer to revamp our clubhouse and give the space a fresh look with new furniture and updated decor her plans have been approved. New floors and furniture along with a budget for the interior designer was approved in the last board meeting.

* The Parking lot needs to have row painting and crack filling completed. This will prevent further damage and a more costly fix later. This improvement was approved at the October meeting. We recognize several residents use the clubhouse to park during school pick up and drop off. We will partner and communicate with Pine Ridge to when the parking lot closure will occur. We will also send a communication when we have the date scheduled. Thanks for your patience with this fix.

Items that are in the process of getting approval for 2020 include:
* Pool sound system upgrade
* Clubhouse sound system upgrade
* Remodel of the pool bathrooms
* New tables and furniture at the pool.

Wheatlands Community Directory

Non-Emergency – Police
Irrigation 24 hour service

720-870-9297, 720-870-2221 (Operated by the YMCA)

Water & Sewer Service

Police Representative – Officer Cassell 303-627-3172
Public Works Department 303-739-7300

City of Aurora 303-326-8200

SNOW REMOVAL (District Property)
YMCA and Coxlandscaping
*Homeowners are responsible for sidewalks and driveways

Waste Management Company

YMCA Programs

In addition to family activities at Southshore, the YMCA runs programs that benefit the entire Aurora Community.

Youth in Government
Join youth from throughout the state at our premier model government program. High school aged students will write and debate bills, argue state supreme court cases or take part in our press and lobbyist programs. The only group with access to the state Capitol building in this capacity.  Click here to find out more!

Reach & Rise Mentoring
What is Reach and Rise?
  • Reach and Rise is a free group mentoring program of the YMCA, established to provide young people in our community with positive and peer relationships.
  • 2 adult mentors are matched with a group of 6 youth
  • The group will meet once a week for 2 hours.
  • The program cycle runs for 8 weeks during the summer and 16 weeks during the fall and spring.
  • Mentors are meant to serve as role models, friends, and confidants. They’re another source of support for your child. They are not meant to take the role of a parent, babysitter, or financier.

Wheatlands Metropolitan District

visit us online at

Next Board Meeting: Thursday, January 9th at 6:00 pm

Dashing Through Wheatlands

Thank you to everyone who came out to enjoy our Stories with Santa event this weekend. The Wheatlands Metropolitan District is happy we are able to host this event with the YMCA each year. Thank you to Jennifer Cronk w/1320 Homes for providing the hot chocolate and donuts. We hope you had a wonderful time!

Stories with Santa

You’re Invited…..

When: Saturday, December 14th 10:00am – Noon

Where: The Wheatlands Clubhouse

Join your Neighbors for this Fun Winter Event!  

Santa will be in town for pictures and story time.  Bring your camera and capture your little ones on Santa’s lap.  Enjoy a cup of cocoa or some snacks as you meet your neighbors.  Horse drawn carriage rides will be provided; stay cozy and create memories as you get a carriage ride around the neighborhood.

Event Hosted by: Wheatlands Metro District and the YMCA

Thank you to our sponsor:

Jennifer Cronk w/ 1320 HOMES powered by KW for providing the hot chocolate and snacks