December 2019 Newsletter

December 2019 Newsletter
Upcoming Events


Join Your Neighbors For This Fun
Winter Event!
Santa will be in town for pictures and story time. Bring your camera and capture your little ones on Santa’s lap. Enjoy a cup of cocoa or a holiday snack as you meet your neighbors. Horse drawn carriage rides will be provided; stay cozy and create memories as you get a carriage ride around the neighborhood.

Kids Night Out

Friday, December 6th
6-10 pm at the Lakehouse
Movie: Christmas Chronicles
to register click here 

Thursday, December 12th
6 pm @ the Clubhouse

Wheatlands Recreation Center Project
Thank you to everyone who came out and celebrated the ground breaking on the YMCA Recreation Center at Wheatlands on November 20th. 

For more details about the ground breaking and the project please visit:

Notes from the Board

The Wheatlands Metropolitan Board held their annual budget hearing on November 14th, 2019.

At this meeting, the board voted to approve the 2020 annual budget. The board will be reducing the mil levy by 7 mils for next year.

This thoughtful decision will allow the board to lower the taxes in the community while still being able to meet our debt obligations.

This budget will also allow us to move forward with phase 2 of the park and complete several capital improvement projects regarding the clubhouse and pool.

Covenant Updates and Reminders from AMI

-Please make sure to store Trash containers out of sight.

-Please make sure any items are stored out of sight.

-Please Shovel your walks and driveways for your safety and the safety of your neighbors.

Design Review Reminder

-Please remember to submit signed Notice of Completion, as well as color pictures of completed projects, once your approved project has been completed. 

-If you have Home improvements that you are planning to do in the Spring, now is the perfect time to start the approval process. That way when the warm weather hits you can go ahead and start those pre-approved projects in your yard and home. 

-Forms can be found here

 Pool and Clubhouse Information 
The board has been working hard with the YMCA to get some much needed work done at the pool and clubhouse. Below is an update on the improvements that are being made:

* Pool Heater replacement was approved at the last board meeting.

* Pool Filter addition was approved at the last board meeting.

*Additional metal trash cans for the pool were approved at the last board meeting.

* The new dumpster enclosure is complete. This improvement allows us to store 2 dumpsters inside the enclosure and replaces the broken, old enclosure.

* Permanent shade structures at the pool were approved at the October meeting and are being ordered. These canopy structures will be bolt mounted into the cement. They will fit along the south side of the pool deck. American Awning and Patio Company has a lifetime hail warranty on the shades. The shades are also removable to be taken down in the winter or as needed.

* A Fabric shade has also been approved that will be weaved along the top of the pergola to provide additional shade around the pool.

* Staining of the pool and clubhouse pergolas were approved at the October meeting and is being scheduled.

* The District has hired an interior designer to revamp our clubhouse and give the space a fresh look with new furniture and updated decor her plans have been approved. New floors and furniture along with a budget for the interior designer was approved in the last board meeting.

* The Parking lot needs to have row painting and crack filling completed. This will prevent further damage and a more costly fix later. This improvement was approved at the October meeting. We recognize several residents use the clubhouse to park during school pick up and drop off. We will partner and communicate with Pine Ridge to when the parking lot closure will occur. We will also send a communication when we have the date scheduled. Thanks for your patience with this fix.

Items that are in the process of getting approval for 2020 include:
* Pool sound system upgrade
* Clubhouse sound system upgrade
* Remodel of the pool bathrooms
* New tables and furniture at the pool.

Wheatlands Community Directory

Non-Emergency – Police
Irrigation 24 hour service

720-870-9297, 720-870-2221 (Operated by the YMCA)

Water & Sewer Service

Police Representative – Officer Cassell 303-627-3172
Public Works Department 303-739-7300

City of Aurora 303-326-8200

SNOW REMOVAL (District Property)
YMCA and Coxlandscaping
*Homeowners are responsible for sidewalks and driveways

Waste Management Company

YMCA Programs

In addition to family activities at Southshore, the YMCA runs programs that benefit the entire Aurora Community.

Youth in Government
Join youth from throughout the state at our premier model government program. High school aged students will write and debate bills, argue state supreme court cases or take part in our press and lobbyist programs. The only group with access to the state Capitol building in this capacity.  Click here to find out more!

Reach & Rise Mentoring
What is Reach and Rise?
  • Reach and Rise is a free group mentoring program of the YMCA, established to provide young people in our community with positive and peer relationships.
  • 2 adult mentors are matched with a group of 6 youth
  • The group will meet once a week for 2 hours.
  • The program cycle runs for 8 weeks during the summer and 16 weeks during the fall and spring.
  • Mentors are meant to serve as role models, friends, and confidants. They’re another source of support for your child. They are not meant to take the role of a parent, babysitter, or financier.

Wheatlands Metropolitan District

visit us online at

Next Board Meeting: Thursday, Decmeber 12th at 6:00 pm

Ground Breaking Ceremony

It was a chilly day, and we want to thank everyone who came out and braved the cold to be with us on this exciting and important milestone in the project.

We had several speakers at the ceremony, representing the YMCA and the Wheatlands Park and Recreation Authority, share what the project means to them and the community. We want to thank Kimberly Armitage, Vice President of Strategic Growth and Membership for the YMCA of Metro Denver, Sue Glass, President and CEO of the Denver YMCA, Kathy Barela Board Member of the Wheatlands Park and Recreation Authority and Craig Wagner, Advisory board member of the Aurora Family YMCA for speaking at the event.

Please join us in recognizing the following members of the YMCA Advisory Board….
Adrian Frank
Greg Shields
Jim Bickford
Krista Simonson
Michael Giles
Richard Turnquist
Robert Jamieson
Susan Davis
Stephen Brunston
Mary Beth Brunston

YMCA Staff Members…
Kimberly Armitage
Lori Walker

We’d also like to thank these key contributors to the project:
Country Commissioner Jeff Baker
Friend of the Y, Debbie Ford and Brian Curd

Representing the project funder, Mutual of Omaha, Rebecca Kuhle and Matt Hanson
Architect Keith Hayes and the Team at BRS Architecture
Our General Contractor, the Team at Adolfson & Peterson construction

Members of the Wheatlands Park and Recreation Authority…
Kathy Barela
Polly Martin

Rotary members…
Rick Richard
Ken Hostetler

And investors…
Larry & Jeannie Pisciotta
Craig & Angel Wagner

We celebrate the vision, advocacy, and commitment of everyone that attended and has worked behind the scenes to make this project a reality. We thank everyone who helped bring us to where we are today.

To view floor plans and more information regarding the project visit:

Ground Breaking Celebration

Ground Breaking Celebration
We’re Breaking Ground
on Good Health and Strong Families

Please join us for the official groundbreaking of the 
Aurora Family YMCA at Wheatlands

November 20, 3 pm
6100 S Kewaunee Way
Aurora, CO 80016

Come learn about the project, enjoy refreshments, and celebrate this good news
for the Aurora community

We look forward to being your YMCA!

About the YMCA of Metro Denver:

The YMCA of Metro Denver is one of the city’s leading non-profits, uniting people, families and seniors in programs and services that improve health, nurture children and uplift communities.

With multiple wellness centers throughout Southwest Denver, Downtown, University Hills, Arvada and Littleton, along with program centers at schools, community HOAs and partner sites, the Denver YMCA is embedded in communities, bringing health and well-being to all and creating places where people thrive and reach their fullest potential.

We serve more than 68,000 members, volunteers and program participants every year across the metro area. The Denver Y is also part of a nationwide network of 2,700 YMCA organizations.

For more than 140 years, we have been committed to helping our community be a better place for all by meeting some of our greatest needs. The YMCA is instrumental in:
• Improving education readiness and school achievement
• Strengthening and stabilizing families
• Reducing senior isolation
• Helping people understand, prevent and treat health issues
• Contributing to the health of our entire community

With a commitment to welcoming all, the Denver YMCA awards more than $1 million in financial aid every year for YMCA membership, programs and services.

November 2019 Newsletter

November 2019 Newsletter
Upcoming Events
Kids Night Out

Friday, November 8th
6-10 pm at the Lakehouse
Movie: Norm of the North
to register click here 

Thursday, November 14th
6 pm @ the Clubhouse


Thank You For a Wonderful Grand Opening Celebration

Thank you to all the residents who came out to celebrate the grand opening of the Wheatlands Community Park! We are so grateful to open the park and for all of us to be able to use the space to gather as a community.

It was a beautiful day. Thank you to the YMCA for organizing the grand opening event. The City of Aurora and Chamber of Commerce for attending the ceremony.

Architterra, GoodLand Construction, ID Sculpture, Colorado Hardscape, White Bear Ankele Tanaka & Waldron for all your hard work to create the community park. 

Thank you to Polly Martin, Robert Romero and Kathy Barela for serving on the Wheatlands Metropolitan District Board and creating this space for the community.

Wheatlands Recreation Center Project
For more information and to follow the progress of the new Recreation Center please visit: 

Covenant Updates and Reminders from AMI

10 Tips to Prepare Your Property for Winter

Taking care of a few simple things around your home and yard in fall can save hundreds, if not thousands of dollars in preventable repairs.

1. Clean up leaves. Clean up leaves in the yard and finish any needed landscape maintenance.

2. Clean out gutters. Keep gutters clear of leaves, twigs and debris. The debris build up can keep the melting snow and ice from flowing freely, which can cause gutters to freeze.

3. Turn off outside water faucets and drain irrigation systems. Properly drain and blow out irrigation systems to avoid damage from freezing and thawing. Drain and coil hoses for winter storage. Remove hose nozzles, sprayers and wands. Store these items in a non-freezing spot, like a garage or basement. Drain outside faucets, turning off water from inside your home. Consider covering exterior faucets with an insulating cover, especially if you don’t have a turn-off valve inside.

4. Cover outdoor furniture. Clean and cover outdoor furniture, take down umbrellas, making sure it’s all snug and secure for winter.

5. Check outdoor lighting. Inspect outdoor lighting, replacing bulbs as needed.

6. Power wash outside surfaces. Take time to scrub down patios, decks and walkways to remove accumulated dirt from summer.

7. Wash windows. Wash both inside and outside surfaces and inspect seals. Caulk if necessary. Remove screens and stow them for winter.

8. Have the heating system inspected. It is also important to clean your chimney and fireplace

9. Plan snow removal. Plan the removal of snow on your driveway and sidewalks. Make sure your shovels are in good condition. Remember to have the snow removed from your sidewalks within 24 hours from the end of the storm.

10. Buy ice melt. Pick up a few bags of ice melt for decks, stairs and walkways. For a pet-friendly ice melt, you can use magnesium chloride. Magnesium calcium chloride blends are said to be pet friendly, but they aren’t always. It is also not recommended to us salt blends on concrete and especially not new concrete. Using sand for traction is the safest choice on concrete.
 Pool and Clubhouse Information 
The board has been working hard with the YMCA to get some much needed work done at the pool and clubhouse. Below is an update on the improvements that are being made:

* The new dumpster enclosure is complete. This improvement allows us to store 2 dumpsters inside the enclosure and replaces the broken, old enclosure.

* Permanent shade structures at the pool were approved at the last board meeting and are being ordered. These canopy structures will be bolt mounted into the cement. They will fit along the south side of the pool deck. American Awning and Patio Company has a lifetime hail warranty on the shades. The shades are also removable to be taken down in the winter or as needed.

* A Fabric shade has also been approved that will be weaved along the top of the pergola to provide additional shade around the pool.

* Staining of the pool and clubhouse pergolas were approved at the last board meeting and is being scheduled.

* The District has hired an interior designer to revamp our clubhouse and give the space a fresh look with new furniture and updated decor her plans have been approved.
* The Parking lot needs to have rose painting and crack filling completed. This will prevent further damage and a more costly fix later. This improvement was approved at the last board meeting. We recognize several residents use the clubhouse to park during school pick up and drop off. We will partner and communicate with Pine Ridge to when the parking lot closure will occur. We will also send a communication when we have the date scheduled. Thanks for your patience with this fix.

Items that are in the process of getting approval for 2020 include:

* New Floors/Paint for inside of Clubhouse
* Pool sound system upgrade
* Clubhouse sound system upgrade
* Remodel of the pool bathrooms
* Pool Heater replacement
* Pool Filter addition
* Audit on tables and chairs for the Pool is being completed so we can order new furniture as needed

Wheatlands Community Directory

Non-Emergency – Police
Irrigation 24 hour service

720-870-9297, 720-870-2221 (Operated by the YMCA)

Water & Sewer Service

Police Representative – Officer Cassell 303-627-3172
Public Works Department 303-739-7300

City of Aurora 303-326-8200

SNOW REMOVAL (District Property)
YMCA and Coxlandscaping
*Homeowners are responsible for sidewalks and driveways

Waste Management Company

YMCA Programs

In addition to family activities at Southshore, the YMCA runs programs that benefit the entire Aurora Community.

Y Sports
Spring sports registration is now open! For more info:
Billy Merryman – Sports Coordinator
[email protected]

Youth in Government
Join youth from throughout the state at our premier model government program. High school aged students will write and debate bills, argue state supreme court cases or take part in our press and lobbyist programs. The only group with access to the state Capitol building in this capacity.  Click here to find out more!

Reach & Rise Mentoring
What is Reach and Rise?
  • Reach and Rise is a free group mentoring program of the YMCA, established to provide young people in our community with positive and peer relationships.
  • 2 adult mentors are matched with a group of 6 youth
  • The group will meet once a week for 2 hours.
  • The program cycle runs for 8 weeks during the summer and 16 weeks during the fall and spring.
  • Mentors are meant to serve as role models, friends, and confidants. They’re another source of support for your child. They are not meant to take the role of a parent, babysitter, or financier.
For more information contact:
Tim Droke

Southlands Shopping Center Events


Holiday Hometown Parade & Tree Lighting Ceremony
Saturday, November 23 | 6PM | Main Street

The holidays come alive as we kick off the season with our Holiday Hometown Parade & Tree Lighting. Join our annual celebration on Main Street and get into the spirit of the season with entertainers, floats, music, and special guests – including Santa himself!

Wheatlands Metropolitan District

visit us online at

Next Board Meeting: Thursday, November 14th at 6:00 pm

Thank You For a Wonderful Grand Opening Celebration

Thank you to all the residents who came out to celebrate the grand opening of the Wheatlands Community Park! We are so grateful to open the park and for all of us to be able to use the space to gather as a community.

It was a beautiful day. Thank you to the YMCA for organizing the grand opening event. The City of Aurora and Chamber of Commerce for attending the ceremony. Architterra, GoodLand Construction, ID Sculpture, Colorado Hardscapes, White Bear Ankele Tanaka & Waldron for all your hard work to create the community park. Thank you to Polly Martin, Robert Romero and Kathy Barela for serving on the Wheatlands Metropolitan District Board and creating this space for the community.

Below are a few pictures from the event:

New Board Members

To Our Two New Board Members
The Wheatlands Board of Directors would like to thank all those who applied to join and fill the two vacant spots on the board. After interviewing and discussing at the last board meeting, they would like to welcome the two newest members, Sameer Bhatnagar and Brooke Holliman.

Please remember we still have opportunities for people to help on either the covenant committee and social committee.
Sameer Bhatnagar

We moved to Colorado in early 2014 from Dallas, Texas. After a short stay in Fort Collins, we moved to Wheatlands in summer of 2016. My wife and I have two daughters and two dogs.

I frequently go hiking with my friends, and family , enjoy taking walks at Aurora Reservoir. After serving on the boards of our old neighborhood as a board member and as President, it didn’t take long for me to realize that I needed to become involved on the board here.

I am very passionate about helping our community grow and bring our diverse community together. I hope to see and meet everyone around the neighborhood.
Brooke Holliman

Four years ago, my husband and I discovered the Wheatlands and instantly knew we wanted to be a part of the community.

It’s a pleasure raising our young daughter in a neighborhood that has so much to offer.

I’m an avid traveler and love immersing myself in new cultures. In my free time, I enjoy snowboarding, camping, and quilting. 

 I look forward to helping with community projects and representing my neighbors in board decisions.
Be Sure to come out to the Grand Opening of the Wheatlands Park! We will have lots of festivities and a ribbon cutting ceremony!

Park Grand Opening

Join us on Saturday, October 26th from 2-4 pm to celebrate the grand opening of Wheatlands Community Park. We can’t wait for our community to enjoy the new playground and park amenities.

The Aurora Chamber of Commerce will be in attendance for a ribbon cutting ceremony. We will also have a face painter, bounce house, Kona Ice, Madly Sugared and Freddy’s Cuisine will all be at the event. We hope to see you there!

When: Saturday, October 26th 2-4pm

Where: Wheatlands Community Park located at 6171 S Wheatlands Parkway, Aurora CO 80016 at the intersection of S Wheatlands Parkway and E Pinewood Drive 

October 2019 Newsletter

October 2019 Newsletter
Upcoming Events

 Park Grand Opening

 Saturday, October 26th
@ the New Park (Wheatlands Pkwy and
S Kewaunee Way)

Kids Night Out
Friday, October 4th
6-10 pm at the Lakehouse
Movie: Charlie and the Chocolate Factory
to register click here  

Fall Break Craft and a Movie

Where: The YMCA Youth Center @ Southlands
When: October 14-18
10:00 am-3:00 pm
must sign up in advance
click here to sign up
$15 first child/ $10 each additional child

Thursday, October 10th
6 pm @ the Clubhouse

Wheatlands Recreation Center Project
For more information and to follow the progress of the new Recreation Center please visit: 

Park Update

The park is nearing completion! Don’t miss out on our Grand Opening Ceremony on Saturday, October 26th at 2pm. We will have:
  • A Ribbon Cutting Ceremony
  • Food Trucks
  • Face Painting
  • Bounce House

Covenant Updates and Reminders from AMI
Reminder to homeowners that Trash day is Monday and Trash cans need to be stored out of sight other than trash day. 

For helpful tips and reminders for fall and winter watering please Click Here

 Pool and Clubhouse Information 
The board has been working hard with the YMCA to get some much needed work done at the pool and clubhouse. Items that have been approved and will be taking place this Fall include:
  • New dumpster enclosure
  • Permanent shade structures at the Pool
  • Staining of the pool and clubhouse pergolas
  • New furniture for the clubhouse
Items that are in the process of getting estimates and work approved for 2020 include:

  • New Floors/Paint for inside of Clubhouse
  • Pool sound system upgrade
  • Clubhouse sound system upgrade
  • Remodel of the pool bathrooms

Wheatlands Community Directory

Non-Emergency – Police
Irrigation 24 hour service

720-870-9297, 720-870-2221 (Operated by the YMCA)

Water & Sewer Service

Police Representative – Officer Cassell 303-627-3172
Public Works Department 303-739-7300

City of Aurora 303-326-8200

SNOW REMOVAL (District Property)
YMCA and Coxlandscaping
*Homeowners are responsible for sidewalks and driveways

Waste Management Company

YMCA Programs

In addition to family activities at Southshore, the YMCA runs programs that benefit the entire Aurora Community.

Y Sports
Spring sports registration is now open! For more info:
Billy Merryman – Sports Coordinator
[email protected]

Youth in Government
Join youth from throughout the state at our premier model government program. High school aged students will write and debate bills, argue state supreme court cases or take part in our press and lobbyist programs. The only group with access to the state Capitol building in this capacity.  Click here to find out more!

Reach & Rise Mentoring
What is Reach and Rise?
  • Reach and Rise is a free group mentoring program of the YMCA, established to provide young people in our community with positive and peer relationships.
  • 2 adult mentors are matched with a group of 6 youth
  • The group will meet once a week for 2 hours.
  • The program cycle runs for 8 weeks during the summer and 16 weeks during the fall and spring.
  • Mentors are meant to serve as role models, friends, and confidants. They’re another source of support for your child. They are not meant to take the role of a parent, babysitter, or financier.
For more information contact:
Tim Droke

Southlands Shopping Center Events


10:00 am- 12:00 pm

  • Trick-or-Treat Down Main Street
  • YMCA Haunted House
  • Live Entertainment & Games
  • And More Family Fun

Wheatlands Metropolitan District

visit us online at

Next Board Meeting: Thursday, October 10th at 6:00 pm

Additional Q & A

Thank you to all the residents who attended our board meeting on Thursday. We appreciate your attendance and at any time feel free to reach out to us.

We compiled all the questions that were asked and below are the answers:

Wheatland Park and Recreation Center Q and A

When will the recreation center be built?

Groundbreaking will happen before the end of the year and we are scheduled to open in 2021.  

What is the financial contribution from the Wheatlands Metro District? 

The Wheatlands Metro District has negotiated that $35 per household will go towards a family membership for each house and townhouse in Wheatlands.  Of that $35, $30 will be used for facility operations and $5 for operational reserve. The Intergovernmental Agreement establishing this contribution can be found on the WPRA website.  Currently we are projecting non-Wheatlands residents will pay $88 for a family membership.  

Does the Wheatlands Park and Recreation Authority or the YMCA have the ability to raise our Metro District fees or taxes?

No, they do not have the authority or ability to raise fees or taxes.  All decisions regarding the fees and taxes are made by the Wheatlands Metro District.

Does the Wheatlands Metro District board have authority to make decisions regarding the Recreation Center? 

The Wheatlands Metropolitan District does not have authority to make decisions regarding the recreation center.  This responsibility belongs to the Wheatlands Park and Recreation Authority.

What is the relationship between the Wheatlands Metro District and the Wheatlands Park and Rec Authority?

The Authority Establishment Agreement was entered into on January 19, 2017 for purposes of creating the Wheatlands Park and Recreation Authority.  This Agreement established the Authority as a separate legal entity and can be found on 

Who are the board members on the Wheatlands Park and Recreation Authority?  

Kathy Barela and Polly Martin are currently serving on the Wheatlands Park and Recreation Authority board.

Is the Market Research Study that was completed available to the public? 

Yes, they are posted online at the   The most recent was completed in October 2018 and takes into account the Aurora recreational facility proposed to the north of Wheatlands. 

How will Phase 2 be paid for? Anticipated timeline?

We do not currently have a set timeline for phase 2 and would require additional funding.  Phase 2 could be paid for through fundraising and grants as well as other revenue sources that may come available to the Wheatlands Park and Recreation Authority.  

Will Phase 1 have family friendly programs/options?

Yes, the recreation center is built for families.  It will include several amenities with programming geared towards children and adults.  There are two fitness studios that can be used for various fitness programs. A few examples of activities that could take place in the fitness studio would be a spinning studio, kids’ classes, Zumba and Pilates.  The center will include cross functional training and the basics of cardio and strength machines. The center will have a community kitchen for nutrition and other programs. It will also include a child watch center.  Furthermore, it will have a 6 lane lap pool that can be used for both recreation swimming and lap swimming. View the floor plans here at   

Will the grounds around the Rec Center have any walking paths/outdoor track type area, landscaping, sitting areas for folks to enjoy? 

There is not an outdoor path or track area planned at this time.  The front of the building will be landscaped as well as the back. There is an outdoor splash pad planned in phase 2.

Can residents take part in decisions?

The building design has been approved, however as construction begins we welcome residents to attend the Wheatlands Park and Rec authority meetings to discuss the project.   

Previous Q and A Below:

Who owns the land and the building?

The Wheatlands Metro District established a separate legal entity called the Wheatlands Park and Recreation Authority. The Wheatlands Metro District sold the property to the Wheatlands Park and Rec Authority, and the Wheatlands Park and Rec Authority will finance, construct, own and operate the recreation center. This allows the Metro District to not have the facility debt on its balance sheet and also gives the liability of the facility over to the Wheatlands Park and Rec Authority.

Who is on the Wheatlands Park and Rec Authority Board?

The Wheatlands Park and Rec Authority Board has three members. A majority of the board members are Wheatlands residents.  These board members are acting in the best interest of our community and their goal is to represent us and lead the project.

How can we afford the center?

$45 of the $65 a month that you currently pay goes towards park and recreation. This money combined with transfers from the general fund was used to construct the new Community Park and complete other recreation projects in the past. With the park nearing completion, the District board has negotiated to have $35 per month go towards the Wheatlands Park and Rec Authority to allow every household family passes to the facility. The YMCA has contributed financially to the center, and the land also acts as collateral for the Wheatlands Park and Rec Authority loan.  The YMCA will be turning over membership and program revenue to support the debt service.

Will my monthly fees go up?

The board has no plans to raise fees at this time and works hard to budget correctly to keep our monthly fees low. That being said, fees can always go up as expenses for the community continue to rise and as costs continue to increase.

What if we don’t think the YMCA is managing the facilities properly?

The YMCA has a vested interest in managing the property correctly. However if the Wheatlands Park and Rec Authority believes the YMCA is not managing it according to the contract, they can terminate the contract and hire a different management company.

How is the revenue or profit used?

The revenue from the recreation center will go back to the Wheatlands Park and Rec Authority to be used to pay down the loans for building the recreation center as well as fund the day-to-day operations and maintenance of the facility.  The Wheatlands Park and Rec Authority will pay a fixed 4% management fee and a contingent Incentive Fee to the YMCA to run the day to day operations of the recreation center.   

How will this facility be viable with the proposed Aurora rec center so close?  

As part of the loan process, market research on the area was completed by an independent third party. The report concluded that the market is large enough to support both projects. The bank is also fully aware of the Aurora Rec Center project and moved ahead with the financing.

Why was this project started in the first place? 

The community has been in favor of it and had expressed the need for additional recreation facilities and amenities for our residents.  

Will the YMCA continue to manage the clubhouse and pool?  

The contract with the Wheatlands Metro District is independent of the contract with the Wheatlands Park and Rec Authority. At this time, the Wheatlands Metro District Board has no plans to hire a different property management company.

Will the YMCA Day Camps continue up at the Wheatlands Clubhouse?

Once the new facility is built the camps will transition to the recreation center.  

What is the cost to build the recreation center? 

The first phase of the facility will cost $21 million.

Is there any proactive plan for dealing with extra traffic?

Traffic studies were required as part of the approval process with the City of Aurora. At this time, there is not enough traffic to put in a traffic light or cross walk. The Wheatlands Metro District plans on continuing discussions with the City after the recreation center is open to evaluate traffic to see if the minimum traffic counts are met to install a crosswalk or light.