New Website

Wheatlands Metropolitan District is proud to present our new web design. We hope you enjoy the site and find the information easy to use. The features include easy access to covenants, clubhouse and pool rentals. A new calendar for community events and a news portion for regular community updates will keep you informed. You can also follow our updates on Facebook and Twitter. Enjoy!

YMCA Recreation Center

YMCA Recreation Center Update August 2018

The Wheatlands Metropolitan District formed a separate authority (in which the Wheatlands board members are the majority) to finance the project. That authority is working hard to make the recreation center a reality. The Wheatlands residents will all receive access to the Recreation center for free as part of your existing $65 monthly fee. The authority is completing the due diligence process with the bank. As part of that process they have hired an architect and general contractor. If all goes as planned we would be looking to break ground in Spring next year and open in 2020.