Design Review Process
Making a change to your home or landscaping it is as easy as 1, 2, 3…..
Step 1 Review the Covenants and Residential Improvement Guidelines
Step 2 Submit the Design Review Application
Step 3 Once approved, make your desired change
There is no fee to submit the design review application unless you are completing a home addition such as adding on an extra room, garage or sunroom, or for a full front or full backyard landscape plans. For those few instances, a $50 review fee would apply.
AMI is here to help and it is better to ask then to receive a violation. If you have any questions on the process feel free to contact our Covenant specialists at AMI using the contact information below:
Covenant Enforcement and Design Review Requests
Phone: 303-351-5411
[email protected]
Log in to your account to view the status of the Design Review application or pay fines.
Did you know you can sign up to receive covenant notices electronically?
AMI offers to deliver covenant reminders to you electronically in addition to in the mail. If you would like to sign up for email correspondence for any Covenant-related notices or Design review updates, please email [email protected].
Make sure your email includes the following:
- Your name(s)
- Home address and mailing address if different
- Main email address you would like to receive all communication
- Any additional information you would like added to your account