We have put together several helpful resources in case there are questions concerning trees.
The Residential Improvement Guidelines (PDF) found under Covenants give all the details regarding planting trees in Wheatlands. Please refer to Schedule 5 (of the document below) for the requirements (Deciduous trees – 2.5” caliper, 6’ height minimum and Ornamental trees – 2″ caliper, 6’ height minimum) and then Schedule 6 for the plant palette.
You do not need to submit for approval to replace a tree if you choose from the schedule 6 approved plant list and if the placement and type remain the same. Example – Deciduous Shade tree for Deciduous Shade tree, Evergreen tree for Evergreen tree etc. If you do want to change the location or type of tree you would need to submit a Design Review application.
The following is a list of local certified arborists:
ArborScape https://arborscapeservices.com
SavAtree- https://www.savatree.com/
Davey- https://www.davey.com/residential-tree-services/tree-health-treatment/certified-tree-doctor/
The CSU extension office website https://extension.colostate.edu/ can be very helpful.
Specific topics are noted below:
Shade tree options- https://extension.colostate.edu/topic-areas/yard-garden/large-deciduous-trees-7-419/#.Xupao4eYffs.email
Native Colorado Trees- https://extension.colostate.edu/topic-areas/yard-garden/native-trees-for-colorado-landscapes-7-421/
Winter watering tips- https://extension.colostate.edu/topic-areas/yard-garden/fall-and-winter-watering-7-211/#.XupadGtLT8M.email
Everything trees from planting, care, insects, diseases and plant selection- https://cmg.extension.colostate.edu/gardening-resources/online-garden-publications/trees-and-shrubs/
We appreciate you doing your part to keep Wheatlands a wonderful place to live. If a household receives a violation regarding dead trees, please feel free to reach out to AMI at [email protected] with any questions. Keeping the lines of communication open is important and they are here to help.