Who is responsible for Clubhouse repairs and landscape?
The YMCA manages all major facility repairs, improvements, and landscaping. If you identify a problem, please notify the YMCA.
What recreational facilities are available?
The Wheatlands Clubhouse is owned and managed by the District. It includes a community room and an outdoor swimming pool. The pool features a graduated-sloped bottom, children’s area, and lap lanes. The District also partnered with the YMCA and formed a separate Wheatlands Park and Recreation Authority to create an indoor recreation center for the community. By being a resident of Wheatlands you receive a free family membership to the YMCA recreation center.
Who can use the Clubhouse?
All of Wheatlands residents are eligible to use the Clubhouse. Guests can also use the facilities when escorted by a Wheatlands resident. Residents can also rent the clubhouse.
Who makes the policies, procedures and rules for the Clubhouse?
The District’s Board of Directors decides all policies, procedures and rules for the facility. Most of the standards in place are for the safety and protection of residents, guests, and staff. If you have any questions or concerns regarding the Clubhouse, please direct your questions to the District’s management or attend one of the District’s monthly Board meetings.
Who determines the days and times of the operations of the Clubhouse?
The District’s Board of Directors (with resident input) determines when the Clubhouse is open.
Are there parks within the community?
The Wheatlands community includes trail systems and neighborhood parks.
Can I use the pool without registering with the District?
No, you must fill out the pool-use form and waiver to receive a key allowing access to the pool.
Can I bring guests and, if so, how many?
Residents are allowed to bring 5 guests per day to the facility. There is no charge for guests. The homeowner must be registered in order to have their guests use the pool or clubhouse.
Is a lifeguard always on staff?
Yes, during pool hours 10am-8pm during the summer. After school starts until Labor Day the pool is swim at your own risk.
What is the depth of the community pool?
The community offers 2 pools located next to the clubhouse. Wheatlands offers a children’s pool which is a zero-depth entry pool sloping down gradually to 3 feet deep. It also includes an umbrella fountain and spray fountains for kids to enjoy. Our second pool has a depth of 4ft – 5ft and can be used for laps and recreational swimming.
Are there any lakes or water flowing through the District?
Yes, while a small creek runs through the community, many of our property owners enjoy the nearby Aurora Reservoir.